red oak ii map

Lowell Davis - Artist

Lowell Davis has been referred to as the "Norman Rockwell of Rural Art", and his paintings truly reflect this style.

Lowell did not think anyone would be interested in his type of art; the simple life of times past. The majority of people are located in large cities and he felt that they would not want things depicting rural life in America. But he was wrong! These people thrived on his art; they bought them to view a segment of life that they either don't see in the big city, or grew up with before leaving that way of life. It showed them something they had never seen, or it brought out memories of their youth.

To find out more about Lowell Davis, click on the following:

Lowell Davis Articles

Lowell Davis Videos

Lowell Davis Audio Christmas Greetings

Lowell Davis Autobiography

To see Lowell's art and collectibles, click on the following:

Lowell Davis Collectors Website